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Constitutionalising Children’s Rights and Domestic Courts of Member States of the Council of Europe
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EXPERT PAPER Constitutionalising Children’s Rights and Domestic Courts of Member States of the Council of Europe
Hrsg. | Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk e.V. |
Medium/Format | Broschüre A4, 40 S. |
Jahr | 2019 |
Auflage | 1. Auflage |
This paper will assess, in a non-exhaustive fashion, the manner in which CoE member States have incorporated some key aspects of the rights of the child into their constitutions as well as the effect and applicability of children’s rights before domestic courts. Before so doing, this study will explore the importance of children’s rights, the relevant principles of children’s rights pursuant to the CRC which are to guide States in the holistic implementation of rights, as well as the methods by which CoE member States incorporate the CRC into their normative frameworks.
also available in German